Allowing yourself to feel and express emotions does not denounce your masculinity, it simply proves your humanity.
“Qina“, says society to men forgetting that mental health has nothing to do with gender. The mental health of men is greatly influenced by societal conceptions. You keep hearing, “Be a man, toughen up, shake it off,” but aren’t you just human According to African proverbs, boys don’t cry or drop tears. Men are expected to be strong and transform into personalities like Trevor Noah in moments where their bravado falters and terror grips them in the chest only because it is applauded to display such bravery.
Are you worried? Man up. Are you afraid? Be more resilient. Low in spirits? Shake it off. Men feel that they must be inherent risk-takers, engaging in risky sexual behavior, alcoholism, hazardous hobbies, reckless driving, and other detrimental behaviors that are harmful to their mental health as a result of this judgment. Why would you wish to be subject to masculine norms, Bruv? Openly expressing your emotions should not be viewed as weak or unmanly. Men are able to cry and do cry. You should be able to openly express your emotions as a guy because, like the rest of us, you are a living, breathing human being.
You’ll be able to recognize and comprehend the triggers for the feelings you experience once you start learning to manage your emotions. Your work, your school, or simply being the man of the home may be putting strain on you. Guess what? It does not make you any less of a man. Take a break whenever you feel like enough is enough and it’s all too much. You could do this by going on a stroll, taking a nap, relaxing, listening to music, or getting in a nice workout. There is no need to go technical.
Break the stigma that has been imposed on you, gentlemen. Keep yourself free from the expectations of others. Just be you. The challenge awaits, are you up to it?